Golden Monkey Tracking

When you visit Uganda for a primate safari, you might want to add the golden monkey tracking adventure as part of your activities. Golden Monkeys might not be very popular primates like the mountain gorillas, yet they are indubitably very elusive and convivial creatures worth the attention of visitors. These riveting creatures are unique to the Virunga Mountains that spans Rwanda, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo. Mgahinga National Park is the exclusive park where tourists can track these primates while in Uganda. There are about 3000 to 4ooo of these individuals in the Virunga massif, although there are only 42-60 habituated golden monkeys in Uganda’s Mgahinga National Park. The bamboo forests of Mgahinga National Park provide the most treasured habitat for these endangered primate species. Much as Golden Monkey tracking is not as sought-after as gorilla trekking, it is all the same exciting. These photogenic creatures are not timid to move nearer to human beings and their playful nature always captures the attention of tourists.

Characteristics of the Golden monkeys

These primates are known for the noticeable golden furs that cover their bodies, thus they are referred as “Golden Monkeys”. They are a sub-species of the Blue Monkeys and inhabit the lower slopes of the Virunga Mountains dominated by the bamboo forest. Golden monkeys do not swerve off too high up the mountains like the mountain gorillas, but instead spend much of their time in the bamboo closer to the base of the mountains. They move in hundreds, occupying the bamboo canopy picking the shoot from the tops and interestingly also go down to the ground. These fascinating animals live in groups comprising of 30 to 80 members, normally headed by one adult male. In most animal families, it is the male to defend the territory. This is contrary of these primates where it is the female to defend the territory while the males stay in the group for some time and eventually leave to another group. There is one habituated golden monkey group in Mgahinga National Park, which is available for research purposes and tracking. They consume 20-30 species of plants but mainly bamboo shoot, though sometimes they partake of fruits, leaves and some invertebrates.

Golden Monkey Tracking Permit

A golden monkey permit in Uganda costs US$50 per person for foreign non residents, $40 per person for foreign residents and Shs 20,000 for East African Residents. This cost includes the park entry fee, the guide fee and the one hour you spend with the golden monkeys. These permits can be booked on ground from the Park headquarters in Ntebeko Visitor Center. Tourists who wish to spend more quality time and understand the detailed information regarding the golden monkeys can visit this Park for the engaging golden monkey habituation experience that costs only $100 per person.

How the activity is Conducted

Just like gorilla trekking, golden monkey tracking starts with tourists arriving at the Park headquarters by 7:30am for pre-tracking briefing (on the dos and don’ts of tracking the golden monkeys). The actual trek begins at 8:00am. Hiking through the forests to sight the golden monkeys is not so strenuous like gorilla trekking because golden monkeys live in lower areas, so tourists do not track for more than 3 hours. When tourists encounter the golden monkey family, they are given one hour to spend with them (to take photographs and observe their behavior). With this activity, there is no minimum number of tourists who track each group and age limit is 12 years.

What to carry during golden monkey tracking.

There are several requirements that tourists need to have a memorable experience during golden monkey tracking. These include waterproof hiking boots, wear long sleeved shirt, long trousers, and carry a backpack for your lunch and documents. Also carry drinking water and snacks, carry a walking stick to support you during hiking, you can hire a porter to support you during hiking in slippery places and they carry your backpack, and do not forget to carry an insect repellant.

How to Access Mgahinga National Park

Mgahinga National Park is situated about 8-10 hours drive from Kampala and can be accessed using both road and air transport. Scheduled flights are normally organized from Entebbe/Kajjansi to Kisoro airstrip. With road, Mgahinga can be accessed from Kampala or from Rwanda. Rwanda is just one hour from Cyanika border, then drive for about 15 minutes from this border to kisoro town. Proceed on a rough and stony road that will usher you to the magnificent Mgahinga National park. From Uganda, the commonly used route is Kampala-Masaka-Mbarara-Kabale-Kisoro to the Park headquarters.

In conclusion, Mgahinga national Park is one of the popular destinations where Silver meets Gold (mountain gorillas and golden monkeys). Golden monkey tracking is one of the top activities that make this park an interesting place for tourists to visit for a primate safari. Challenge yourself an engage in this life changing activity and achieve an excitement of a lifetime.