
Located in the eastern part of Africa, Uganda is one of the best destinations for primate watching known for its rich biodiversity and rain forests that protect rare and amazing habituated apes. Occupying a total surface area of 241,038 square kilometers, Uganda encompasses a number of tourism destinations that protect amazing attractions including primates. Most of the primate destinations are found in the western part of the country and among these include – Bwindi Impenetrable national park, Kibale forest national park and Mgahinga gorilla national park.

Main primate species in Uganda

1. Mountain Gorilla

The mountain gorilla is from a family of great apes, including chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, and human. Mountain gorillas exclusively live in two separate populations in Uganda’s mountain forests and the neighbouring Rwanda and DRC. The most interesting fact is that gorillas can be differentiated from each other by their nose print, like a human’s thumbprint. Also, they live in families headed by a male silverback, like most human families. Join the thousands of travelers in the sustainable travel craze of gorilla trekking these great apes by visiting southwestern Uganda.

2. Chimpanzee

Also known as chimps, Chimpanzee is a species of great ape native to the forests and savannahs of tropical Africa. The species is known as a human’s closest living relative covered in coarse black hair but with a bare face, fingers, toes, palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. It is larger and more robust than the bonobo, weighing 40-70 kg for the males and 27-50kg for the females. Chimps are known for living in groups that range in size from 15 to 150 members though move in small groups during the day.

3. Golden monkey

The golden monkey is an Old-World Monkey species that exclusively occupies the bamboo-forested slopes of the Virungas and nowhere else in the world. It’s a small monkey with a bright, vibrant, golden orange coat and cute little face. To watch this endangered primate species, head to the extreme southwestern corner of Mgahinga National Park and join the daily golden monkey trekking adventures into the bamboo jungle.

Other primates –monkey species in Uganda

Baboons Species

These Olive baboons live in large groups of about 150 individual varying of few male individuals, many females and young ones. They are large enough to be viewed by visitors that visits Uganda National Parks in inhabits these primates. In Uganda, these species can be viewed in three main national parks namely; Mgahinga National Park, Mount Elgon national park and Rwenzori National Park and entire world can be found in over 25 countries. Olive baboons are omnivorous species which feed on invertebrates, plants, birds and small mammals, Uganda Primate Watching Tours.

Black and White Colobus Monkeys

These are genus colobus family and mainly live in Africa and are inhabitant of Riverine forests, wooded grasslands and forest. Their groups are comprised of nine individuals in number including a single male, female and their young ones They are black in colour with a white face and tail which can be viewed in Entebbe botanical gardens and in many national parks of the country. During visit you can enjoy photography.

Where to go for primate safaris in Uganda

There are 3 main destinations in Uganda where one can go for a primate watching safari and these are; – Bwindi impenetrable national park and Mgahinga gorilla national park for the endangered mountain gorillas and then Kibale forest national park for chimpanzees.

Bwindi Impenetrable national park

In the southwestern part of Uganda, Bwindi Impenetrable national park is part of the impenetrable Bwindi forest situated along the border of Democratic Republic of Congo next to Virunga national park. At an area of 321 square kilometers, protects the largest population of the endangered mountain gorillas and these are found in the four park sectors- Buhoma, Ruhijja, Rushaga and Nkuringo sectors. The apes can be seen during the gorilla trekking and habituation experiences after the purchase of permits at USD 800 per person and USD 1500 per person respectively.

Kibale Forest National Park

Located in the western part of Uganda, Kibale Forest National Park contains the highest density of primates in all of Africa. At a total surface area of 776 square kilometers, the park hosts the largest number of chimpanzee species as well as the black and white colobus, red tailed monkey, grey cheeked mangabey, L’Hoest’s and blue monkeys, olive baboons and many others. These species can be seen during the nature walks and chimpanzee tracking safaris that involve trekking through the thick rainforests in search of the endangered apes.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Mgahinga National Park is located in the southwestern Uganda covering an area of 33.9 square kilometers protecting one of the last remaining habitats of the endangered golden monkey, black and white colobus monkeys and also a family of the endangered mountain gorillas. The species can be seen during different activities including mountain gorilla trekking experience and golden monkey trekking that are seen during different experiences like gorilla trekking and golden monkey tracking respectively.

Also, Mgahinga gorilla national park is known for protecting three inactive volcanoes namely; Mount Muhabura, Mount Gahinga and Mount Sabyinyo.

When is the Best time to Visit Uganda’s Primates

Primates in Uganda can be visited anytime throughout the year though the best period is during the dry season also known as the peak season in the months of June, July, August, September, December, January and February. During the dry season, there is less rainfall in the primate destinations therefore access roads, gorilla trekking, golden monkey and chimpanzee trekking trails will be dry and passable which makes trekking easy compared to the wet/ rainy season when the trails are muddy and slippery which makes trekking difficult.